0 TestLogger

While we have traditional logging tools in ruby like logger, I developed a tool called testlogger. This tool is having additional support to Automation side of Quality Assurance which is not available in traditional logging tools. In this tool one can log results in form of simple messages, warnings and errors to an XML file. One can also group them as part of a test-script, test-case and test-step.

Below is a quick tutorial on getting yourself familiarized with testlogger.

  1. Installing gem testlogger and requiring it
  2. Logging a message
  3. Logging a warning
  4. Logging an error
  5. Template for supporting Quality Assurance Automation
  6. conf.rb explained.
  7. Project structure for a batch run
Note: If you are planning to use testlogger for the purpose of automating your test cases, then rules specified in section 5 above are mandatory to be followed. If these rules are violated, results generated wouldn't be likely as expected.


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