Sunday, September 23, 2012

0 Table of Contents- Selenium - Ruby - Watir-Webdriver

  • This tutorial assumes that you are aware of ruby programming language basics. In case you are not, I strongly recommend you to first take a ruby course. There are many good websites for this purpose, just Google them.
  • I am not be liable for direct, indirect or consequential damages or for any loss of revenue, profits or data arising in connection with using this site or material.
  • All statements with this site are purely my understanding of the technology and need not be correct.
  • I am by no means a “Selenium-pro”. I thought this tutorial could be helpful to a lot of people, and thus I wrote it. If you have any corrections, questions, or suggestions please email me at
This tutorial is intended to help understand Selenium-Ruby duo. At the end of the tutorial you should be in a good position to start automation for your web applications.
  1. Introduction to selenium
  2. Required installation and setup on you computer
  3. Selenium - Ruby - Watir-Webdriver
    • How to add Watir-Webdriver support in your scripts
    • Some of the simple operations automated
      • Opening a browser with given URL
      • Checking if title of a page is as expected
      • Closing the browser
    • Identifying an element using XPath
    • Time to learn more automation
      • Finding an element
      • Confirming if an element is really present on the loaded page 
      • Checking for text inside a web element
      • Clicking on an element (ex: button)
      • Sending keyboard keys to a web element
      • Selecting an option from a drop down
      • Validating if a check box is checked
    • Time to write some robust code
      • Risks involved in above task if used with out using any wrappers around them
      • Eliminating the risks by writing some robust code
        • Using functions, exception handling and utility files
      • Use a common template to write your code
      • Project structure
  4. Debugging
  5. Sample test case automated
  6. References
Happy Testing :) :)
Shiva Krishna Imminni

To sponsor my work and help maintain this site please contact me.


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