Monday, September 24, 2012

0 Installing Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE is an add on in Firefox browser. In order to install it follow the procedure mentioned below,
  1. You need to install Firefox browser on your system. Go to to get latest version of Firefox and install it. Once you have Firefox on your machine, we can proceed with installation of Selenium IDE. 
  2. Open Firefox, GoTo: 
  3. Under Selenium IDE section of download page, Click on the link to download Selenium IDE

  5.  Once you click on download link, you will see a prompt similar to this,

   5. Click on "Allow".

   6. You will see a pop up, "software installation window". Click on Install now.

   7. Now restart your Firefox browser to finish Selenium IDE installation.

How to verify if Selenium IDE is properly installed as an add-on for you Firefox browser?
  1. Open Firefox browser. 
  2. Click on Tools menu.
  3. You will observe menu item "Selenium IDE" under it.



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QuestionSelenium Copyright @Shiva Krishna